Studies of foreign experience

Studies of foreign experience show
that the most significant efforts to
prevention of corruption in public
apparatus undertaken by the United States
America, who created not only a whole
system of measures of administrative and legal
character aimed at suppressing
corruption, but also act with a number of important
international initiatives in the
There are committees of the Senate and
US House of Representatives,
The Ethics Committee under the Government, and the main
coordinating agency to combat
corruption is the Ministry of Justice.
The most important direction of the US anti-corruption strategy
is the prevention of corruption in the system
public service. It builds on
introduction of the so-called administrative
morality, which is ethical
and disciplinary rules. First time Codex
government service ethics was adopted
in 1958 in the form of a resolution of the Congress, in
which it was enshrined that every person
in government service,

  • to place dedication to moral principles and
    the state is above loyalty to individuals, parties
    or government agencies;