Interpol Red Notice

An Interpol Red Notice is one of the most powerful tools used for international cooperation in the fight against crime. Unlike an arrest warrant, which is issued by judicial authorities, a Red Notice is a request for the location of a person and their possible temporary detention for the purpose of extradition. The issuance of a Red Notice can significantly impact an individual’s freedom of movement, legal status, and even their international reputation. Dealing with this tool requires an understanding of the legal implications and options for contesting it, as well as professional assistancе by Interpol Red Notice lawyers.

What is a Red Notice from Interpol?

A Red Notice (or “red card”) from Interpol is an official notification issued by the international police organization, alerting its member countries that a specific individual is being sought. A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant; rather, it serves as a tool for cooperation between police forces of different nations.

The purpose of Interpol’s Red Notice is to assist in the arrest and extradition of wanted individuals. Typically, it’s issued at the request of a country that has already issued an arrest warrant, aiming to temporarily detain the person until the formal extradition procedures are carried out. International acts, such as the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (1959) and the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, provide a foundation for utilizing these types of cooperative mechanisms.

How does a red notice work?

The process for issuing an Interpol Red Notice begins with a request from the country where an arrest warrant has been issued for an individual. This request is sent to the Interpol General Secretariat, which checks it for compliance with the organization’s rules and procedures. It’s important to note that Interpol does not get involved in evaluating evidence or making decisions on the merits of the case – its role is strictly limited to facilitating cooperation between countries.

After approval, the notification is distributed among member countries through Interpol’s secure I-24/7 system. Each member state has the option to decide how to respond to the notification, which can range from simply being informed to detaining the individual pending extradition. Since countries have sovereign rights to make their own decisions, an Interpol red notice does not always lead to automatic arrest. This is emphasized in legal documents such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which protects the freedom of movement.

What are the consequences of a red notice?

The issuance of a Red Notice by Interpol has serious legal and practical implications. It restricts the freedom of movement of the individual since most countries participating in Interpol are obligated to detain the person sought upon receiving the notice until an extradition request is received. For instance, according to the European Convention on Extradition, extradition can only be requested after an official confirmation of the arrest warrant.

An Interpol Red Notice can have a negative impact on an individual’s legal status. In many countries, the presence of such a notice can be grounds for deportation or denial of visa applications. For those engaged in international activities, this could mean restrictions on professional and business opportunities. Moreover, according to the Refugee Convention, a Red Notice can be used as a tool to persecute individuals seeking asylum.

How to Challenge an Interpol Red Notice

The process of contesting an Interpol red notice is complex, but possible. According to Article 3 of the Interpol Constitution, the organization is not authorized to intervene in matters of a political, military, religious, or racial nature. This opens up an opportunity for individuals who believe that the notice was issued in violation of their rights to appeal to the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) – an independent body responsible for reviewing such complaints.

The process of contesting includes filing a petition in which the applicant must state the reasons why the notice violates their rights, and provide evidence of political persecution or other illegal actions. The commission reviews the case and makes a decision, which can lead to the removal of the notice from Interpol’s databases. It’s important to note that this process can be lengthy, highlighting the need for involvement from lawyers who specialize in international law.

The Role of Lawyers in Red Notice Cases

Interpol lawyers provide legal defense for individuals who have been issued a red notice by Interpol. These lawyers can help assess the legality of the notice and develop a legally sound strategy to contest it. Given the complexities of international law, Interpol attorneys can effectively utilize tools such as the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms to protect their clients’ freedom of movement and rights.

Interpol lawyers assist in communication with Interpol and national authorities, which is especially important in extradition cases. Qualified legal assistance can be useful when interacting with the Interpol Files Control Commission and other international bodies.