The Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics for Government Service was first adopted in 1958 as a Congress resolution that stipulated that every person in government service must:

prioritize loyalty to moral principles and the state over loyalty to individuals, parties or government bodies; comply with the Constitution, US laws, government regulations and never support those who evade their implementation; work the entire working day for a set fee, making the necessary efforts and thoughts to fulfill their duties; find and apply the most effective and economical ways to solve the assigned tasks; never resort to discrimination, providing someone with special benefits or privileges, both for remuneration and without it, not to accept benefits or gifts for yourself and your family under circumstances that can be interpreted as affecting the performance of official duties; not make any promises regarding official duties, since a civil servant cannot act as a private person in the performance of public office; do not enter, either directly or indirectly, commercial relations with the government if this is contrary to the good faith performance of official duties; never use confidential and proprietary information for personal gain; to reveal cases of corruption when they are detected; comply with these principles, knowing that public office is an expression of public confidence.